Kontokali Laundry offers you excellent services near Marina Corfu.
Put your clothes in the machine. Tell us which temperature you want and we will do the rest. Two hours later come to collect your clothes. The soap powder is included in the price.
Sie füllen die Waschmaschine selbst. Sagen uns die gewünschte Waschtemperatur. Alles andere übernehmen wir. Sie kommen nach 2 Stunden wieder und nehmen ihre fertige Wäsche. Waschmittel ist im Preis enthalten.
Mettere panni nella lavatrice e diteci la temperature prescelta. Il resto lo facciano noi stessi. Dopo due ore. Venite aritirare il bucato. Per quanto riguarda il detersivo usiamo quello nostro.
Kontokali Laundry is located near Marina Corfu and Corfu General Hospital. Specifically:
2 minutes walk
from Marina Corfu
3 minutes walk
from Corfu General Hospital